raise the wickの例文
air wick
Or do you use the Air Wick of a censure resolution? It was like trying to spray a dumpster with Air Wick. -- Battery-powered Air Wick Mobil'Air, presumably for scent fans on the go. Her re......

ardington wick
"' Ardington Wick "'is a 1974 local government boundary changes transferred it to Oxfordshire.

bray wick
The first definite mention of cricket in Berkshire relates to the famous all rounder Thomas Waymark who resided at Bray Wick, near Maidenhead in the 1740s, though there are earlier mention......

candle wick
The Prisse Papyrus omits the candle wick and the beating arm. Burn new candle wicks so the candles appear used. A candle wick is a piece of string or cord that holds the flame of a candle.......

canvey wick
However, in the following years the disused and undisturbed site flourished as a haven for wildlife, and in 2003, the final storage tanks were removed in a clean-up operation, and the site......

castle of old wick
Ruinous Castle of Old Wick, a seemingly twelfth-or thirteenth-century fortress, was possibly the power centre of Haraldr Madda餫rson.

charles wick
"' Charles Wicks "'is an Emeritus professor of chemical engineering at Oregon State University. The center of the counter disinformation effort shifted to USIA s Office to Counter Soviet ......

cheryl ann wick
The decedent used multiple names, including Cheryl Ann Wick ( which she used from a stolen identification card ), Kelly Carr / Karr, Shannon Wiley, and Mercedes.

cloth wick
The homemade weapons were made from kerosene-filled beer bottles stopped with cloth wicks. A cloth wick is wedged into a cap that easily pops off if the bottle topples, spilling a fiery st......

daisy wick
Temperance, along with Daisy Wick, go to the Maluku Islands to study a full set of interspecies hominid remains that could be a crucial link in the evolutionary chain. Beginning with seaso......

denis wick
Byron was born and grew up in Cornwall, started playing trombone aged 9 and went on to study with Denis Wick. He has his own line of mouthpieces and mutes for brass instruments, made by De......

dennis wick
Chilean footballer Mark Dennis Gonz醠ez Hoffman was named after Tovey and Dennis Wicks, both former teammates of his father Ra鷏 who played for Bush Bucks. "The good thing is that it will sh......

desoldering wick
Desoldering wicks contain plenty of flux that will lift the contamination from the copper trace and any device leads that are present. Desoldering braid, also known as " desoldering wick "......

dick wick hall
The new name was shortened in common use to " Dick Wick Hall ". The Salome Lions Club hosts an annual " Dick Wick Hall Day " to commemorate the humorist.

donna wick
Directed by Wendy Ettinger; Donna Wick, producer; Nicolette Donen, executive producer. Donna Wick and Wendy Ettinger, former college roommates who each have three children, are the co-prod......

douglas wick
Hooking Verhoeven was the easy part, says producer Douglas Wick. Rawlings is also best friends with movie producer Douglas Wick. Producer Douglas Wick, a father of three daughters, wanted ......

ear wick
An ear wick may be effective or, if not, antibiotics.

east wick
It includes the hamlets of Creeksea and East Wick east of the town. The practice's recently completed and ongoing projects include the transformation of an urban block in London's Fitzrovi......

emily wick
In her honor, MIT alumnae organized the annual Emily Wick Regatta and the Emily L . Wick trophy which eventually became the Intercollegiate Women's Sailing Championship trophy. "' Emily Wi......

eton wick
He was born at Eton Wick, Buckinghamshire ( now Berkshire ). Paris joined Eton Wick, where he was ever present throughout the season. Eton Wick and Boveney New Town were almost immediately......

farleigh wick
In Britain, three examples have been found associated with two Beaker burials ( one as a pair, and one as a single find ) at Farleigh Wick in Wiltshire.

felt wick
First, I unscrewed the cap from the drip device, freeing up the felt wick, and hung the entire rig from the bough of a beech nearby.

fiberglass wick
There is a new, safer tiki light : a 67-inch-tall stainless steel model with a fiberglass wick that comes with a refillable canister.

fingringhoe wick
Fingringhoe Wick; inquiries to Laurie Forsyth, Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve, South Green Road, Fingringhoe, Colchester CO5 7DN, Essex; ( 44 1206 ) 729678. Fingringhoe Wick; inquiries to......

frances wick
Upon his return to France Wick was promoted to " Hauptmann " and on 9 September was named " Gruppenkommandeur " ( group commander ) of " I . Gruppe"